Zipping up beautiful memories, bottling up feelings with clenched lips, strong straight face, bags in hands, driving to the airport listening to familiar songs, smooching off with final waves and the biggest smile ever as if I don't have a worry in the world. Only the reality plays out on the plane, tears avalanche me as the thought of leaving my family, every single one of them, making silent dua to Allah to protect them, every single valuable thought and appreciation running through my mind leaves me wondering why am I doing this?
Source URL: hour earlier, Ben10 said to me, "One more thing lali, I love you the best" ...those beautiful words pierce my heart for my littlest most precious thing in this whole world standing 1/3 way of the way below me telling me those words is the hardest in the world to reply to, because he hates when I leave and I hate disappointing him.
But I guess, we have to do what we have to do...I set out on this Journey to Doha for a reason - it was my choice so Hala Doha - I am back!
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