Fashion Week Norway,
In the Norway Fashion History a Big

Camilla Bruerberg,
Camilla Bruerberg is the collection of the men’s clotting, like different color of trousers and knitted sweaters,
And the award wins by a Mood who belong to Norway, and he beat nine other candidates in this compaction the musician is Mariann Theomassen and Samsaya
Credit goes the Ellen Arnstad (Chief Editor of Henne Magazine.) and Nico Widerberg (last Year Winner.) there Person have big contribution in the Norwegian Fashion Industry

In Oslo Fashion Week the Brands are Introduces.
Nina Jarebrink
By the BygdoRoyal Farm introduce women clothes of all ages ,these designs have high Quality and not showed in any fashion show, Colorful sleeves for this season,
Pia Haralden
Pia Haralden is very Famous designers, her designs are impeccable and for the royal
Kristar Design
This Design is related to mountains aria of Norway , and simpler design is very famous in aria in 2006
White Baron
White Baron design show the Norway, folklore history and culture, this brans designs of clothing, accessories.
Fam Irvoll
These Designs are show the pop art, garden and rain for teen agers and 5 year above girls, and also introduce the children’s cloths.
Norwegian Fairytales is introduce by the trio its tribute Norway’s Cultures
And others ,Disco Ball,Dancing and Racking,Hall of the Mountain King
Old businessmans
Christian Ringnes, with old cloores of pink,yellow and blue, brocade patterns , silver and pink, Princess Maxi sheer ,flirty shorts with beachwear and short dress,
In the Music the singer is Tre Raske Menn and Marion Raven has intertain the vistors.
This Fashion show is ending with happiness.
Tuesday is opining ceremony of the Oslo Fashion week in Konggressenter, a large number of famous personalities attended in this Fashion Show,
Norway Fashion Industry
In Norway fashion is grow up and new fashion brand have many challenges, Fashion Industry is entering in new period , as comparing the to Denmark’s, but in the Oslo Fashion show Judging is not notice by any one.
Fashion Show is started from a movie of old school, 80s featuring haute couture designer Per Spook. Then the Japanese collection Camilla Bruerberg, and it’s won the new comers award in Oslo Fashion Week,
Moods of Norway Fall 2010 Collection at Oslo Fashion Week

- Debutantvisning, trendvisning, motejubileer og fellesshow for norske designere: Er arrangementene åpne for folk flest? - I utgangspunktet: Ja. Det er mulig for hvem som helst å kjøpe billett. Av erfaring ser vi samtidig at få utenfor bransjen og mediene slipper inn. Vi blir nødt til å prioritere presse, innkjøpere og andre bransjefolk.
Håpet til de ferske designerne er at den rette personen som vil starte produksjon av akkurat deres merke dukker opp, at kontaktene knyttes med de viktige personene i bransjen eller gode råd gis i en uformell setting.
Designer Linn Renée Blegeberg instructing a model backstage
På podiet kunne vi se lange silkekjoler med blomsterprint, nette bluser, en nydelig pudder rosa fløyesfrakk og et par volumiøse high waist paljett bukser. Sistnevnte hadde MTV- stjerne og trendikon Charlotte Thorstvedt lagt sin elsk på. Kolleksjonen alt i alt besto av kjoler, skjørt, bluser, jakker, vester, jumpsuits, kåper, bukser og tights.
Showet var utrolig godt gjennomført med god koreografi og gripende stemningsinnlevelse av modellene. Etter showet skrøt en overveldende Tina Haagensen av et godt sammarbeid teamet imellom. Hun kunne fortelle at hun alltid har et tema for hvert show, og da det tidligere har vært mye fart over showene, hadde hun i år valgt å “skvise inn volumet”.MARDOU & DEAN - A Sence of Euphoria…
Mardou & Dean is a relatively new brand (2006) inspired by Beatnik culture and literature. The designer duo has “urban traveler” written all over their collections. We can look at Ingrid and Patrik as the modern traveling couple in constant motion and emotion. The thin sharp silhouette in their design is their signature. The cut is edgy, but the result is simple and easy with a twist.
All Mardou & Dean pieces are designed in Norway and made in Italy to ensure fabrics with high quality. The fabrics are produced in Italy, Spain and Japan.
Source URL: https://pukitattoo.blogspot.com/2010/10/norwegian-fashion-industry-big-night-of.html
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