When writing about the latest fashion trends we're constantly looking at the clothing, hair trends and make-up trends, but sometimes it's easy to forget about a girl's most important accessory: her shoes. So here it is, your shoe guide to Autumn (Fall)/Winter 2008/2009 in the form of our 2008/2009 shoe trends bible! 
Source URL: https://pukitattoo.blogspot.com/2009/10/footwear-boot-shoe-trends-w-20082009.html
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Square toes, crocodile skin, triple-buckles, and bohemian fringing are just some of the things you might not have been expecting to come back into fashion so soon, and yet here they are. Read on to find out all of the Autumn / Winter 2008 - 2009 shoe and boot trends.
Want to keep up with the latest fashion trends? Then subscribe to our fashion newsletter. You can also read up on Spring/Summer 2009 shoe trends by following that link.
Source URL: https://pukitattoo.blogspot.com/2009/10/footwear-boot-shoe-trends-w-20082009.html
Visit Puki Tattoo for daily updated images of art collection